DMCA Policy for Ddizi

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a U.S. law designed to protect content creators by preventing the unauthorized use and distribution of their work online. This policy is crucial for websites with user-generated content, where site owners may not always know who uploaded each piece.

At to as “Website” or “Service”), we take copyright infringement seriously. We promptly respond to valid DMCA notices and take appropriate actions to address any issues.

Our DMCA Policy applies to our Website and related Services, detailing how we handle copyright infringement claims and how to submit a complaint if you believe your work is being used without permission. We are committed to protecting intellectual property and expect our users to respect these rights. If you are a copyright owner or authorized agent and believe your content has been infringed, you can submit a written notification (“Notification”) in line with the DMCA.


What to Consider Before Filing a Complaint

Before filing a DMCA complaint, make sure the material you’re reporting is actually infringing on your copyright. If you’re unsure, it may be helpful to consult with a lawyer. Also, be aware that you’ll need to provide personal information in your notice, so consider your privacy before moving forward.


How to Submit a Notification of Infringement

If you decide to submit a copyright infringement complaint, please ensure your Notification meets all DMCA requirements. We will review it for accuracy, validity, and completeness. If it meets the criteria, we may remove or restrict access to the material in question.

If we act on your Notification, we will make a good faith effort to inform the affected user about the removal or restriction.

Please note that we may choose not to take action if the DMCA notification does not fulfill all required criteria.


Policy Changes and Updates

We can update this Policy or its terms whenever we choose. Changes will be effective as soon as they are posted on our Website, unless we say otherwise. If we have your contact details, we might notify you by email or other methods. By continuing to use our Website and Services after changes are made, you agree to the updated Policy.


Reporting Copyright Infringement

To report any material or activity that you believe is infringing, please email us at [email protected]. We strive to respond within 1-2 business days.